Monday, October 8, 2012

Eating Better: A Simple Topic that’s Far from Simple

By Cari Junge  

Because each of you are one of a kind and require tips specific to you, I feel a sense of dis-service providing fixed guidelines for this issue, therefore, I’m providing you key content and resources from a national expert as a starting point. After, I will layer in some intuitive sense for you to apply authenticity to your process.

1. Eating Better is a choice only you can make. Therefore, look at those areas associated with your intake that are ‘beyond your control’ and those ‘within your control’ as your starting point. For example, it may be ‘beyond your control’ that your workplace constantly has a plethora of sugary cookies, soft drinks, etc… free and readily available. It’s within your control to create rituals, rules and alternatives to keep you from indulging, with a healthy mind and manner. From there, you need to understand what ‘better’ means for YOU.

2. Explore and Understand the Whys. To enroll those rituals for a lifetime, we likely need to know why we break them at times in order to develop a healthy aversion. My client shared with conviction the emotional connection. From there we were able to explore what happens in the brain and develop realistic patterns to break bad habits formed from brain chemistry alterations. Then its trial and error time to nail down lasting solution.

3. Cleanse your System Free of Toxins. No matter how much change towards eating better we make, and stick with, our body and therefore our mind is human living with high levels of stress and toxicity 24-7, 365 days. Our detox and digestive system weakens and requires a regular tune-up. Tune into next week’s Nutrition Spot focusing on tips and tools for healthy cleansing during the Fall Season.

To explore more into my brief of Harvard’s eating guidelines, check out this website:

Here are Harvard’s top 5 on how to build your plate with a thorough break-down of how and what in the site for each step below:

1. Fill half of your plate with vegetables and fruits.
2. Save a quarter of your plate for whole grains—not just any grains.
3. Put a healthy source of protein on one quarter of your plate.
4. Use healthy plant oils.
5. Drink water, coffee or tea.                         

And then … Stay active!

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