Is this starting to sound familiar?
You also know won’t pen it in like you would a client. You will stay at work an extra 15 minutes if it means you can head out now for that frothy, icy brain-pleaser … sounds crazy, right?
Well, I’m writing about a friend of mine who could really use some help here. How do we get her to work in the work out? We all need these opportunities to share our battles and gain some support so here goes ...
How does she pull it all together. Being a single mom, with a history of chronic stress, a pleaser and doer, al-knowing she truly needs to stop. She needs to stop wearing her glasses with the cracked lens and using her phone with the cracked screen.
The Sweat of the Matter is just this:
Whether you’re a single parent, a student balancing study and work, a traveling professional that spends more time in the air than on the ground, or simply one seeking that higher level of peace and health, it seems impossible to try and find time to stay in shape. I want you to start by taking your ‘Awareness Pill’ (referenced last week). The best part is that it’s not an NSAIDS (over the counter anti-life enhancer) and you don’t need health insurance for a prescription. Here’s how:
STEP 1: Has got to begin with a good breakfast to get the brain fueled and body firing after your overnight fast. Clean, nutritious and consistent with your two other meals across the day.
STEP 2: Remind yourself what it means to be “aware.” You can head off the stress that you could typically build in the next few hours by simply realizing it’s coming, or could be.
STEP 3: Establish clear intentions early in the day so you don’t move through carrying stress, guilt, question or any other way you rationalize your habits.
STEP 4: Keep handy your ‘Movement: Rest Tool Box’ which doesn’t have to involve hitting the gym or the sack. It could be a resistance band in the shower, paper plates for glides under your desk, core breathing exercise in the car, or kid crunches and pushups giving hugs later.
So, if I plan ahead to have the 24oz mocha and the 24oz water, and I work 6 hours, play mom another 4, and prioritize sounds and scents during my least favorite home chores, I can rationalize an hour on the trail because it deserves me and I deserve it.
Kudos to our Nation (slight sarcasm) for mastering consistency and growth with our obesity epidemic and #1 killer heart disease. Don’t you give in!
When in doubt just say Yes to Work-In the Work-Out , and then do it! See you next month, if not sooner on the trails~
Cari Junge
Nutrition & Therapy Director