Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Las Vegas Recap- Fascia Seminar, Advanced FSM conference and Symposium

by Dr. Michael Cerami

Wow, what a week! I was out of the office last week for 3, 2 day seminars and it was quite the adventure. I picked a lot more information and hope to integrate it into the office as soon as possible.

I had a few days off prior to the seminars so I was able to get some early season training in on the bike. Ahh, it was so nice being able to ride outside for the first time since November and I took advantage of it by riding the 70.3 Ironman World Championship race course. It was a beautiful ride and super quiet on great roads with wide shoulders and minimal traffic. I highly recommend staying at Lake Las Vegas for early season training and riding (Thanks Scott P.!). I also ran into a group of triathletes from Chicago that train with Training Bible Coaching and spent some time yakking it up about triathlons and vacation time. I ended up getting in 4 runs and 3 rides over the week as well as only 1 swim workout (the pool was kinda farL).

The first seminar was presented by Thom Myers who has authored numerous articles and written many books on fascia and muscle work including the well know Anatomy Trains. There were 40 doctors and therapists attending and the presentation was focused on the shoulder and the hip. I learned a lot of new techniques to unwind pressure and tension that I will start applying to our patients immediately.

The final 4 days of the conference was focused on Frequency Specific Microcurrent and has physicians from around the world present case reports use FSM technology that we use in our office. To say I was impressed was an understatement. The results that are being generated using these energy medicine tools are truly astounding. Here is a sampling of the presentations:

·         Treating complex Neuropathic Pain
·         The use of FSM in Biotoxin-related illness
·         An Alternative Approach to Adrenal Insufficiency
·         FSM in Anti-Aging Treatments
·         FSM in Autism, ASD and Head Injury
·         Treating Abdominal Adhesions in a Hospital Setting
·         Breathing Pattern Disorders and Clinical Associations
·         FSM and Sports Medicine
·         Postoperative Use of FSM- Enhancing recovery
·         EEG Data in FSM Used for Brain Injuries and Autism
·         2 Case Studies- Viral Pericarditis and Post Head Trauma Pain
·         FSM to Improve Outcomes in Incomplete Spinal Cord Injuries
·         Tendonpathy and FSM

I speak more completely in future blog about the specifics related to each presentation where I think you’ll be blown away as I was on the results of this technology and the real future of medicine and health care. You can find more information here: http://www.utahsportsandwellness.com/fsmicro.php

Dr. Michael Cerami is a local Utah sports chiropractor who has been treating patients for over 25 years. He writes a weekly patient blog and monthly athlete article for community education on a wide variety of topics including treating sports injuries, nutrition, exercise, motivation and wellness. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Terrifying OJ

Please take 5 minutes and read this excellent article about the state of food and more importantly, rethinking our decisions and expectations about it. 
